Isokern Pumice Liners and Accessories - Individual Items
Here you will find all of the Isokern pumice liner and accessories associated with the pumice liner system. This will includes liners, bends, supports, adaptors, lip glue, light expanded clay aggregate and sundries. All items are listed individually and all you have to do is choose the diameter suitable for you.
A Quick Guide to flue / liner diameters are as below. Please always consult your qualified installer to check suitability and requirements.
150mm (6") Diameter Flue Liners - Suitable for Class 2 Gas fires (125mm / 5") and wood burning stoves and smaller cassettes with a stove flue collar outlet of 5 or 6". Also possible is for use with balanced flue gas fires with an outer diameter of 150mm, this would normally still require a 4" Flexible Liner.
175mm (7") Diameter Flue Liners - Suitable for Class 1 & 2 Gas fires (5"-7") and wood burning stoves with a stove flue collar outlet of upto 7". Suitable for open flue gas fires, generally DFE types.
200mm (8") Diameter Flue Liners - Suitable for Class 1 & 2 Gas fires (5"-7"), Wood burning stoves and cassettes with a flue collar outlet of upto 8". Open Fires with an opening of maximum 550mm x 550mm, normally you would also need a concrete gather.
225mm (9") Diameter Flue Liners - Suitable for Class 1 & 2 Gas fires (5"-7"), Wood burning stoves with a stove flue collar outlet of upto 8". Open Fires with an opening of maximum 550mm x 550mm, normally you would also need a concrete gather.
250mm + (10"+) Diameter Flue Liners - Suitable for Open Gas Fires, generally a DFE basket in open fireplace, Wood burning stoves cassettes and fireboxes with a flue collar outlet of upto 10". Medium size Open Fires and you would also need to use concrete gather.
Here at Stovesaver we have created Isokern Liner Packs which include all items required for Standard builds and have easy add ons should you need an extra component or two to suit your project - Please see our Liner Packs Here